Ijeoma M. Ihuoma
Ijeoma M. Ihuoma is in the Doctor of Engineering Program (Civil and Transportation). Her dissertation topic will focus on Public Transit and Green House Gas (GHG) emission reduction. She obtained her Masters of Science in Transportation Engineering in May 2012 after successfully defending her thesis titled “Efficiency assessment of green time utilization at countdown signalized intersections”. During her Master’s Program, she received the TRB 2010 Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Graduate Engineer Fellowship. She was also the ITE Student Secretary and participated in the Collegiate Competition where her school finsihed second. In 2011, she was selected for the Graduate Internship program with Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) and was assigned to Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) headquarters in Baltimore MD. Ijeoma is an Active Member of ASCE, WTS Baltimore Chapter and ITE. In addition to pursuing her doctoral degree, Ijeoma works at AECOM as Transportation Engineer/Planner.