Current Projects
Aviv, A., Borisov, N., Chavis, C., Bates, A., Caliskan, A. National Science Foundation. SCC-PG: Privacy and Fairness in Planning when using Third-Party, Heterogeneous Data Sources, $149,241 ($32,000 MSU), 1/15/2021-12/31/2021
Frias-Martinez, V., Chavis, C., Vitak, J., Iyer, S., Erdogan, S. National Science Foundation, Inclusive Public Transit Toolkit to Assess Quality of Service across Socioeconomic Status in Baltimore City, $2,349,550 ($250,000 MSU), 06/2020-05/2024
Chavis, C., Nyarko, K., Cirillo, C. U.S. Department of Transportation: Urban Mobility and Equity Center, A Comparative Study of Pedestrian Crossing Behavior and Safety in Baltimore and Washington, DC Using Video Surveillance, $120,000 ($80,000 MSU), 09/2020-08/2021
Chavis, C., Jeihani, M. U.S. Department of Transportation: Urban Mobility and Equity Center, The Effect of COVID-19 on Mobility and Equity: A Case Study on Transit Users in Baltimore, MD, $100,000, 05/2020-08/2021
Recently Completed Projects
Chavis, C., City of Baltimore, Department of Planning, Baltimore City Lyft Grocery Access Pilot External Evaluation, $8,000, 06/2020-11/2020
Chavis, C., Frias-Martinez, V. U.S. Department of Transportation: Urban Mobility and Equity Center, E-Bikes Effect on Mode and Route Choice: A Case Study of Richmond, VA Bikeshare, $133,407, 2019 – 03/2021.
Chavis, C., Cirillo, C.., U.S. Department of Transportation: Urban Mobility and Equity Center, Shared Bus/Bike Lane Safety Analysis: Assessing Multimodal Access and Conflicts, $140,000, 2018 - 2020.
Cirillo, C.., Chavis, C., U.S. Department of Transportation: Urban Mobility and Equity Center, E3: Evaluating Equity in Evacuation: A Practical Tool and Two Case Studies, $140,000, 2018 - 2020.
Chavis, C., Jones, A., U.S. Department of Transportation: Urban Mobility and Equity Center, Understanding Access to Grocery Stores in Food Deserts in Baltimore City, $56,969, 2017 - 2020.
Curriculum Vitae
Click here for updated CV